(GSR logo/Toni-Ann Ortiz)

The Life panelists are a group of 20 sisters from across the global north and south who respond to questions about the unique, challenging and very specific lives of women religious. Click here to learn about the 2020-21 round of panelists.

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Sisters count on the 'multiplication factor' of lay partners in their ministries

This month, the Global Sisters Report panelists reflect on how laypeople are true partners in their ministry, advancing the mission of their congregations and teaching them useful lessons in life.

Flying joyfully with my sisters: key lessons learned in religious life

Global Sisters Report: As the third year of The Life feature begins, the panelists describe key lessons they have learned from ministry and life as a sister.

Think locally, act locally: We are all neighbors

The Life: This month, wrapping up the 2018-2019 panelists' participation, GSR asked them: Are there meaningful interactions with others for you, personally, or for your community in your neighborhood? If yours is a changing neighborhood, how are you responding to the changes?

The Life: Legal structures like civil law can strengthen sisters' ministry

Global Sisters Report: The Life panelists weigh in: Is canon law oppressive of women religious, or is it more of a legal protection? Do you think religious congregations could use civil law more to enhance their ministry?
