Amy Morris-Young lives in the San Juan Islands with husband, Dan Morris-Young, and son Nick. Dan and Amy have a combined family of six kids and eight grandkids, the youngest of whom made her a Nonna. Amy is a product of 16 years of Catholic education, culminating at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. She is one of those bleeding-heart liberal Catholics. It is in her DNA to bring you lasagna when you are sick.

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In the Bible and US history, we need to look at all the pictures

Soul Seeing: The history we teach our children — in books very like our children's Bible with simple line drawings to illustrate even simpler versions of the truth — has not yet included the full picture.


The everyday miracle of calmness

Notes from Nonna: When a friend told me about her son, I felt at once both isolated from those around me, and in the encompassing presence of God. And from that quiet stillness, I felt and heard this: "Just relax and let me love you."


Random joy is miraculous

Notes from Nonna: Can we talk about how wonderful grandchildren are? I mean, really, who knew about the joy that was coming if we could only survive our kids' teenage years and early 20s?


Amid vitriol and polarization, how can we love one another?

Some of my dearest family and friends embrace political positions that that fiercely contradict mine, but I still strive to love them. Being yanked between the ferocious ends of our current moral and political tug-of-war seems makes that difficult in the extreme.
