Biagio Mazza is Pastoral Associate at St. Sabina’s Parish in Belton, Missouri coordinating and facilitating Adult Faith Formation. Biagio is an author and contributor to commentaries on Scripture and the Sunday Readings. Biagio has a special interest in and has facilitated programs on  Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian interaction.

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The church is immersed in the world

Daily Easter Reflections: Gaudium et Spes, one of the most significant documents coming out of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), was conceived during the lively interactions that occurred among the council participants. 


That they may all be one

Spiritual Reflections: Focusing on what unites us as Christians — love of God and love of neighbor as self — reaffirms that nothing is more important to Christian living than this.


Third Sunday of Easter

<p>On these Sundays of Easter, our Easter celebration continues as we reflect on the presence of the risen Christ among us. The Easter season invites us to enter more deeply into the meaning of the Paschal Mystery which we celebrate at every Eucharist. Each Eucharist is called a “little Easter” as it directs our attention to the Paschal Mystery which we celebrate. Christ’s paschal mystery — his life, passion, death and resurrection — are at the heart of our faith, continually offering faith and hope in God who is always faithful and responsive to the needs of all.

The path of life

Spiritual Reflections: The Emmaus narrative is a clear reminder of the Christian reality that we are nourished by the Lord from two tables: the table of the word and the table of the Eucharist.