Brian Terrell is a longtime activist and lives on a Catholic Worker farm in Maloy, Iowa.

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As Dorothy Day's sainthood cause advances, this Catholic Worker won't be celebrating

Some zealous champions of Dorothy Day's canonization cause have, deliberately or not, occasioned the very dismissal she feared. Some who would have argued with and even condemned Day when she was alive now would neutralize her with praise.


What would Jesus wear to celebrate Mass at the end of the world?

Commentary: In October four years ago, hundreds of Catholic Workers and fellow travelers converged on Nevada from points around the globe. "What was the spectacle that drew you into the wilderness?" Jesus once asked.


True lesson of Dorothy Day's 'Coffee Cup Mass'

A radical in issues of war and peace and labor and the distribution of wealth, Day was always a traditional Catholic, holding firmly to the rules of the church and especially intolerant of innovations in worship.

Dorothy Day's anarchism is the antidote to disappointing political system

NCR Today: Even though Day never voted, her life assures us that hope is not a cynical electioneering slogan but a real human possibility.