Fr. Bryan N. Massingale is the James and Nancy Buckman Professor of Theological and Social Ethics at Fordham University in New York. He is also the Senior Ethics Fellow in Fordham’s Center for Ethics Education. Massingale is a past convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium and a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. He is the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church.

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The Chauvin verdict: relief, vindication but not celebration

Commentary: The verdict in the murder of George Floyd is a wake-up call and summons to white America to examine its fears of people of color and to the Catholic Church to address its complicity in the country's racism.


The assumptions of white privilege and what we can do about it

Perhaps the grace of this dark time in our nation is that it reveals how racially toxic our politics, society and culture have truly become, in order to spur us to build a new culture based not on the exploitation of fear but on solidarity with and for the least among us.


A response to concerns about a retreat for gay priests, brothers and deacons

Commentary: As the facilitator of an upcoming retreat for gay priests, brothers and deacons, I offer these observations in response to concerns that have been raised about it.

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s living faith

One of the theology courses I teach at Marquette University explores the lives and thoughts of Malcolm X, James Baldwin and Martin Luther King Jr. My students enter the course thinking that they already know much about King. They are familiar with his leadership as a civil rights activist and his uncompromising advocacy of nonviolent social change. My challenge, however, is to move them to appreciate King as a man of faith. His Christian ideals and religious convictions not only grounded his political strategies, but also provided the reservoir of fortitude needed to endure racial persecution, political harassment and the constant threat of death.