Céire Kealty is a doctoral student in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University, studying Christian ethics and spirituality. She writes about the global garment industry, workers' rights, and clothing in religious and "secular" spaces.

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For a greener Valentine's Day, skip the bouquet of roses

Commentary: On Valentine's Day, a bouquet of roses stands as the quintessential romantic gesture. Yet the environmental impact of the global cut flower industry urges us toward greener demonstrations of love.


Returning unwanted gifts? Consider the true environmental cost

Commentary: Despite the convenience for consumers, returns, in-person or online, bear startling environmental costs. We as consumers, citizens and people of faith must reckon with these costs.


This holiday season, reduce your environmental impact with 'Buy Nothing'

How can we approach the call to give, in the face of mounting environmental destruction and as we approach a third year of the coronavirus pandemic? Consider joining a Buy Nothing group, to draw nearer to your neighbors, aid (and be aided by) your community and pursue practices that honor neighbor and planet.


Our clothing donations may cause more harm than good

Many Christians consider the call to "clothe the naked" a good reason to donate unwanted clothing. But only about 20% of donated clothes is sold. The rest is discarded or sent abroad, where it may create environmental problems or undermine local businesses.