Opponents of the pan-Amazon synod discard Catholic social doctrine

German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller's critiques of the working document for the synod of bishops, scheduled for this fall, is closer to heresy than anything in the instrumentum laboris, writes Charles Camosy.

Sr. Simone Campbell's inconsistent ethic of life

Camosy's Column: Sr. Simone Campbell believes that, unlike her political opponents who don't care about protecting and supporting people after birth, she has "a consistent ethic of life."

The human toll of drone warfare

Commentary: Buoyed by technological advances, the U.S. military is about to take a giant step forward in fighting wars without directly endangering American soldiers.

How Sanders' charitable giving may undermine his central message

Commentary: Candidates for national office often get scrutiny for their charitable giving. Republicans are also terrible at giving. Sanders gave a mere 4 percent of his income to charity.