Charles E. Curran is the Scurlock University Professor of Human Values at Southern Methodist University. His latest book is Sixty Years of Moral Theology (Paulist Press).

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A tale of two synods: What will the German and Roman synodal gatherings accomplish?

Commentary: There are two synodal gatherings going on now in the Catholic Church — the German church's "Synodal Way" and the bishops' "synod on synodality" — which will undoubtedly have serious repercussions on the life of the church.

Charles Curran remembers Hans Küng

Appreciation: I am grateful for the pastoral ministry he showed me in a time of need, when I was in a controversial position in the eyes of the Vatican, just has he had been.

Charles Curran lays foundation for social justice action

Catholic moral theology has a significant role to play in working for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation on the local, national, and global levels. This role today involves more than just determining what acts are right and what acts are wrong. 

'Humanae Vitae' and the sensus fidelium

Humanae Vitae at 50: The present situation rests on a significant difference between the official hierarchical teaching and the position of Catholics. The total church should be primarily concerned about moral truth, but the contemporary situation prescinds from this important issue of moral truth.