Book Review

Churches need 'gift of administration'

Book Review: Parish governance is not only a necessity but also entirely consistent with a pastor’s roles of teaching and sanctifying. 


How a modern parish can succeed in these stark, complex times

Opinion: The church is not a business, but it does have a responsibility to use the scarce resources available to it as effectively as possible.

How parishes can cope with the 'Great Recession'


As the country reels from the effects of our current recession, as people struggle amid soaring housing foreclosures, increasing unemployment and stock markets in turmoil, a natural place to seek refuge is in a place of worship.

But churches are also experiencing many of the same problems as the private sector. As the director of the Center for the Study of Church Management at the Villanova School of Business in Pennsylvania, I deal with Catholic and Protestant clergy and laity at all levels, ranging from parish ministry to diocesan officials. All churches are feeling the pinch of reduced financial giving and decreased investment income.