Christopher Hale is a co-founder of Millennial and a senior fellow at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. He helped lead national Catholic outreach for President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. He and his work have been featured in Time magazine, USA Today, The Washington Post, CNN and Fox News, among other publications.

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Bernie Sanders is wrong: Pope Francis is no socialist

Distinctly Catholic: Francis isn't a socialist, but a radical Christian who takes Jesus Christ's command to exclude no one and put the poor first seriously.

An appropriate Catholic response to the State of the Union

This week, our nation celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Coupled with the president's State of the Union address, this week provides ample opportunity to reflect on our struggle for civil rights, social justice and equality under the law in the United States of America.

God calls us to care about the poor, climate

NCR Today: Though it might disconcert some, for Francis and the church addressing global climate change is clearly a religious issue.

The church must lead the fight against violence facing the gay community

This month's Synod of Bishops of the family gained unprecedented world media attention, particularly after a midterm report from Rome suggested that the bishops were considering a significant pastoral shift in outreach toward the LGBT community. While the discussion and, at times, infighting among the bishops have made it unclear what direction and how significant this pastoral shift will actually be, we do know that the process has begun.