Catholic Charities in Iowa archdiocese ends refugee resettlement program

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque is preparing to end its refugee resettlement program after 77 years in operation.

Beyond tradition, ritual, archbishop's installation like family reunion

On the 32nd anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood, Archbishop Michael Jackels was installed May 30 as the new chief pastor of the 175-year-old Dubuque archdiocese.

After the 59-year-old took a seat in the center of the sanctuary at the Church of the Nativity in Dubuque, retiring Archbishop Jerome Hanus, bowed to his successor, the 10th archbishop to hold the post. An assembly of about 1,200 people erupted in applause.

Ripple effect continues five years after immigration raid on Iowa plant

Carrying red flowers representing the 389 workers arrested during a 2008 raid, hundreds of people participated in a Walk for Justice and interfaith prayer service to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the immigration raid on the Agriprocessors Plant in Postville.

The event continues to have an impact far beyond the small town in a rural corner of the Dubuque archdiocese.