Virtual vices show shift in American morality

Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride still attract a lot of attention. But our vices have now also gone virtual.

Poll: Most Americans say employers should cover contraception

The poll showed that almost two-thirds of Americans believe businesses should be required to provide the coverage for free, even if contraception conflicts with the owner's religious ethics.

With Petraeus, echoes of that other warrior David

Can the scandal surrounding retired Army Gen. David Petraeus be viewed through a biblical lens?

Will Biden-Ryan debate be a 'Catholic smackdown'?

When Joe Biden and Paul Ryan face off in the vice-presidential debate Thursday night, it will mark the first showdown of its kind between the first Catholics ever to oppose each other on the major party tickets.

A "Catholic Thrilla in Manila," as a Washington Post headline put it, recalling the famous 1975 Ali-Frazier heavyweight bout in the Philippines. Store window signs in the host city of Danville, Ky., prefer the "Thrill in the Ville."

Whatever it is called, expectations among Catholics are as high as the stakes for both campaigns.
