Latino leaders urged to put the Gospel in action at their workplace

Peter J. Coulchinsky arrived in the United States from Argentina in 1986 as a young man seeking a law degree. As his time in the U.S. lengthened, the more he decided he wanted to stay.

There was just one problem: He had only a student visa.

After graduation, however, he eventually obtained a green card, then his naturalization and an American passport, a goal for immigrants of many nationalities. Today, 27 years later, the Argentine global wealth adviser works at a financial services firm, Texas Legacy Wealth Management in San Antonio.

LCWR looks to future with 'sturdy strength'

Updated and corrected

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. -- The vice president of the Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque, Iowa, is the new president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi from Wisconsin was chosen as president-elect.

Sister Patricia Farrell assumed the role of president for 2011-2012 at the conclusion of LCWR's Aug. 9-12 assembly. She was voted in as president-elect last year.

The president-elect is Sister Florence Deacon, director of her St. Francis, Wis.-based congregation. She has represented Franciscans at the United Nations and around the world, including as director of the New York office of Franciscan International. She has been an LCWR leader for the past 10 years at the regional and national levels.

"Mystery Unfolding: Religious Life for the World" was the theme of the annual assembly. According to organizers and participants who had attended previous conventions, this year's gathering of 650 leaders represented a wide variety of congregations across the country, with a predominant number from the East Coast.

Part of California tuition aid bill for undocumented students now law

LOS ANGELES -- Marking what community leaders labeled as a milestone and a historic moment, California Gov. Jerry Brown July 25 signed a portion of the state's DREAM Act and urged Californians to "invest in the people" and to "engage in the debate."

"It is crucial to make an investment in every child that lives and is born in California," he said during a noon town hall meeting at Los Angeles City College, packed with community and business leaders, state and school officials, students and consuls from different Latin American countries.

"Signing the DREAM Act is another piece of investment in people," he continued, "because people are what drive the culture of the economy in our country."

Although elated, members of the California Dream Network that reaches more than 20,000 undocumented students on 42 campuses said they will not celebrate until the entire bill becomes law.