Eugene Cullen Kennedy is emeritus professor of psychology at Loyola University, Chicago.

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The hierarchical spirit that will not die

Part 2 of 2: NCR publishes a posthumous essay on clerical culture from Eugene Kennedy, one of the most prolific and insightful observers of the Catholic Church in the modern era.


The purgatory of the sex abuse crisis

Part 1 of 2: NCR publishes a posthumous essay on clerical culture from Eugene Kennedy, one of the most prolific and insightful observers of the Catholic Church in the modern era.

Dick McBrien, free at last

Bulletins from the Human Side: Fr. Richard McBrien is free at last of time's unforgiving grip and at home in the eternal with which he was so familiar.

If Rome is filled with pyromaniacs, how can they charge nuns with arson?

Bulletins from the Human Side: Let us review what was going on in Rome when the officials were investigating the nuns and should have been investigating themselves.
