Festus Iyorah is a Nigerian freelance journalist and photographer based in Lagos. He reports on global health, social innovation, gender equality, technology, development, conflicts and religion. He has been published in Al Jazeera, The Catholic Herald, The Guardian, Global Sisters Report and World Politics Review. 

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After violence forced them to flee, Nigerian sisters rebuild ministry anew

Global Sisters Report: The Augustinian congregation faced a wrenching decision: leave behind a population desperately in need of their services, or ensure the safety of their sisters?

Women's interfaith network builds bridges amid Nigeria's violence, Muslim and Christian mistrust

Since the group started in 2011, the Women of Faith Peacebuilding Network's activities have reached more than 10,000 Muslim and Christian women across the country through seminars, meditations, presentations by religious leaders, and dialogue.

Nigerian Catholic leaders urge participation in 2019 elections

LAGOS, NIGERIA — As Nigerians prepare to vote in February elections, the country's Catholic leaders hope to stave off voter apathy, calling on parishioners to register.

Persecuted Nigerian Catholics maintain faith in spite of Boko Haram

Survivors of Boko Haram's violence share similar stories of pain, suffering and loss, which mirror the challenges the Catholic Church is facing in Nigeria. More than 100,000 Catholics, 200 catechists, 26 priests and 30 nuns have been displaced, and more than 200 parishes have been destroyed.