Heather Morrison is a freelance reporter based in Los Angeles. She loves talking about religion and can be found doing so on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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Millennials make their voices heard at San Diego Diocese's Young Adult Synod

The Field Hospital: Over two months, about 250 young Catholics took part in the Young Adult Synod in San Diego, and on Nov. 9, about 150 participants gathered to make their proposals at the final synod session.

Los Angeles foster parents offer generosity, find new support networks

The Field Hospital: "We have families — we have a lot of families," Kathleen Domingo, the Los Angeles Archdiocese's senior director of the Office of Life, Justice and Peace said. "And when we start asking families, 'Would you consider fostering,' we have been overwhelmed by the generosity."

Secular Student Alliance has seen growth at religiously affiliated colleges

Nearly four in 10 young adults ages 18 to 29 are religiously unaffiliated — or nones — and are four times more likely as young adults a generation ago to identify this way, according to a study by the Public Religion Research Institute. Among college students surveyed by Trinity College, 32% identified their worldview as religious; 32% as spiritual; and 28% as secular.

Foster mother of more than 100 children works to recruit Latino families

With two biological children at home already, Noemi Amezcua, then not yet 30, asked her priest how she could get more involved in her community.
