J. Malcolm Garcia is a freelance writer and author of The Khaarijee: A Chronicle of Friendship and War in Kabul and What Wars Leave Behind: The Faceless and the Forgotten. He is a recipient of the Studs Terkel Prize for writing about the working classes and the Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism.

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Faded Zapatista legacy lingers in Chiapas

The indigenous people of Chiapas, Mexico, hope that Pope Francis' trip will revive dreams of social justice represented to many here by the Zapatista movement of the mid-1990s.

Guatemalan government corruption scandal leads to election of comedian for president

A corruption scandal bilked the impoverished nation millions of dollars and inspired thousands of middle-class Guatemalans to take to the streets and demand change.

Nuns on the Bus tour aims to 'bridge the divides, transform politics'

Preview: The Nuns on the Bus will hit the road this week with a route that passes through "deep red and purple states" on the way to Washington, D.C.