J. Malcolm Garcia is a freelance writer and author of The Khaarijee: A Chronicle of Friendship and War in Kabul and What Wars Leave Behind: The Faceless and the Forgotten. He is a recipient of the Studs Terkel Prize for writing about the working classes and the Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism.

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Awareness fosters hope for often-invisible sex-trafficking victims in the Midwest

Global Sisters Report: Along Midwestern highways and interstates, hubs for sex trafficking thrive. Sisters throughout the region are educating people to recognize the signs of victimization and helping survivors recover.

Outreach in Guatemalan red-light district: 'We care for you as you are'

On a recent Tuesday morning, Sr. Magdalena Pascual stood in front of an open black metal door and looked toward the woman inside. The woman wore red platform shoes, black leather hot pants, a red T-shirt and black vest. She was 30 years old but had the weary look of someone much older.

A bed behind her with one white sheet caught the pale glow of a bare lightbulb that hung from the warped ceiling. Cracks in the walls rivered toward a mirror hanging beside a calendar. A broom and a bucket stood in one corner.

Children born with HIV find love in sister-run orphanages in Guatemala, Honduras

Preview: Two sisters in the neighboring Central American countries of Guatemala and Honduras care for the same kinds of children.

Legacy of mining operation lingers in Honduras long after closure

Preview: Honduras' San Martin mine has been closed since 2009. But its impact on local communities, people living in the area say, continues to this day.