Georgia house passes fetal heartbeat bill; legal challenges to follow

Georgia has just added itself to the list of states that aim to protect unborn life once a fetal heartbeat is detected.

Pompeo says Trump administration tightening pro-life Mexico City Policy

Historically, it is a policy that is completely at the mercy of whichever party currently controls the White House.

Mississippi governor signs 'heartbeat' bill; opponents pledge legal battle

On March 21, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, a Republican, signed into law S.B. 2116, a "heartbeat bill" which will prohibit abortions in the state after the point a fetal heartbeat is detected.

New school choice federal tax credit bill introduced in House, Senate

A new piece of legislation endorsed by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos could put Catholic or other religious schools within reach of many families who would otherwise not be able to afford them.