Jocelyn A. Sideco is a retreat leader, spiritual director and innovative minister who specializes in mission-centered ministry. She writes for NCR's Young Voices blog. Visit her online ecumenical ministry, In Good Company, at

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Words to encourage and guide, wherever you find yourself during this pandemic

Young Voices: Whether you are a parent managing video-based education for your child, a college student facing a very changed campus life, or someone inspired by recent times, be gentle, stay open to God's voice and find a way.


In a society that places heavy burdens on many, Jesus invites us to rest

Young Voices: God calls us all to live in the fullness of God's reign, especially those who are laboring within a system that dehumanizes them, ignores them, takes advantage of them, even kills them.


Intimacy, rituals, tears are the gifts and desire this moment brings

Young Voices: Can I be simultaneously angry and sad? Yes. Can I be simultaneously filled with gratitude and keenly aware of my unworthiness? Yes.


My father is 82 and dedicated to serving the church; here's what the church can do for him now

Young Voices: There is pastoral work that needs to be happening, amid the church closures and scramble for priests learning how to livestream Mass. Our church leaders need to reach out to the oldest parishioners.
