Fr. John Heagle is the chair of the Gospel Nonviolence Working Group of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests and the author of Justice Rising (Orbis, 2010).

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Could a new eucharistic prayer help reclaim the nonviolent Christ?

Commentary: A group of U.S. priests have proposed a new eucharistic prayer that reflects a shift away from the just war theory and toward reclaiming the message and ministry of the nonviolent Christ.


How Catholics got conned by Donald Trump

Commentary: Delusional cult leaders create delusional followers. In the televised scenes of the Jan. 6 attempted coup at the U.S. Capitol, we saw alarming images of this "collective delusion" in our national psyche.


The inner workings of a hierarchy with a sex offender mentality

Analysis: The Vatican announcement that the attempted ordination of women is a "grave crime" to be dealt with according to the same procedures as the sexual abuse of minors exposes the way those running our church actually think.