Volunteer house carries on student's legacy of service

CHICAGO -- "We have to do something." A simple message spoken by a young woman, recalled by her father, was honored with the dedication of the Lizzy Seeberg Volunteer House at Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory High School in Chicago.

It's been nearly two years since Lizzy died by suicide, nine days after she reported a sexual assault at the University of Notre Dame campus in Indiana. In the midst of grief and mourning, her family's efforts to remember how she lived was achieved on May 6 this year as the house dedicated in her name will shelter a volunteer team for the high school she passionately raised money for during her short life.

"She had a special ability to see need in others. She asked the tough questions at such a young age," said Tom Seeberg, Lizzy's father.

The three-flat in Chicago's Austin neighborhood will house a team of seven Jesuit Alumni Volunteers, a group of graduates from Catholic universities who work as teachers, coaches, chaperons and mentors. They currently reside miles away in the Pilsen neighborhood.

Immigrant youth, adults gather for National Coming Out of The Shadows day

CHICAGO -- In an effort to put a face on the need for comprehensive immigration reform, a group of college-age immigrant youths publicly declared themselves to be undocumented at a rally here on Saturday.