Kathy Coffey is the author of many books such as Women of Mercy, Hidden Women of the Gospels and God in the Moment: Making Every Day a Prayer. She has four children and gives retreats and workshops nationally.

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Jew, Christian, Muslim: 'See the Beloved everywhere'

Soul Seeing: We've learned not to minimize our differences, but also to celebrate our commonalities. We are all seekers, yearning to see with the eye of the soul and to find the face of God through our own faiths. 

Seeing all of life through the banquet lens

Soul Seeing: Does God ever feel that we've overlooked all God's creative efforts? Do we miss Cana miracles in our midst because we're on the starvation diet?

Franciscan sister's nonprofit aims to create bridges between U.S., Vietnam

Some bridges are hard to negotiate, but Bridging Hope is a significant start. Many feel overwhelmed by world poverty, yet finding a trustworthy way to alleviate it is the first step.

Praying with the eye of the soul

Soul seeing reminds me of a visit to the eye doctor. She tries various lenses with different degrees of fuzziness until one finally reaches clarity. “That’s it!” we say in delight. Suddenly, we can see. If we look through the right spiritual lens, we may also recognize times of prayer where we hadn’t noticed them before. Some prayerful moments are as dramatic as bounding across a stage, others as humble as laundry. The common denominator is the spirit of the Creator stirring within us and our response to that voice.