A novel approach for Twin Cities Catholic officials: Punish those responsible

Commentary: One way to stop people from doing wrong is to punish them for doing wrong. It's an approach that St. Paul-Minneapolis Catholic officials might consider.

Keep Cardinal Mahony out of the conclave

Opinion: Pope Benedict should bar Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony from the gathering that will elect the next pope because of his role in the sex abuse scandal.

Sisters: Open the Doors

We know the 900 Sister leaders representing 320 religious communities at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) have a full plate for their meetings that begins today in St. Louis.

We don't think anything on the plate should keep the Sisters from opening the door to the survivors that will be outside the hotel where they are meeting.

Cardinal confirms new aggressive strategy against abuse victims


In a none too subtle posting on his Archdiocese of New York blog, Cardinal Timothy Dolan -- the newly minted and over the top feted eminence -- confirmed the bishops’ new strategy: playing hardball against victims and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) in particular. Any reader of a diocesan newspaper knows that bishops are experts at the coy, the obfuscating, the lovely sounding but non-relevant tinkling brass and clanging symbol approach to communication. When they do otherwise it pays to take heed.