Lilian Muendo is a freelance multimedia journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. After graduating with a master's degree in media management from the University of Westminster in London, she joined the BBC to produce a television and radio governance debate program in Kenya from 2012 to 2014. She is currently a part-time lecturer at Daystar University's School of Communications, mostly teaching broadcast journalism. She worked for Kenya Broadcasting Corporation from 2006 to 2012 as a reporter and news editor.

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As young Kenyans leave villages, sisters care for neglected elderly left behind

Global Sisters Report: Younger generations are leaving villages for city work or professional development abroad. Their elderly relatives are increasingly being left behind in their rural homes. St. Mary's Village, a home for abandoned elderly and incapacitated women, takes on the most vulnerable of these cases.

Sisters on front lines as Kenya prepares for historic repeat election

Global Sisters Report: As Kenyans are poised for a repeat presidential election this week after a nullified vote last August, nuns in the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya are playing a significant role as poll observers and voter educators.

Rwandan sister, killed in Yemen, cared for people since she was a teenager

GSR Preview: Sr. Reginette was one of four Missionaries of Charity sisters killed by gunmen March 4 in Yemen. 

Pro-condom activists in Kenya push back against church's teaching of abstinence

Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya is one of the six HIV "high-burden" countries in Africa. At the end of 2013, about 1.6 million people were living with HIV.