Morna Murray is vice president of Brier Dlugolecki Strategies, where she specializes in public policy and government relations on health care, children's issues and disabilities. She previously served as senior counsel to Sen. Robert Casey Jr. (D-PA) and vice president and counsel for First Focus, a national bipartisan children's advocacy organization. She works in Hartford, Conn., and Washington, D.C.

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What does the 'Path to Prosperity' really mean?

Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal, "Path to Prosperity," is pretty much identical to last year's Ryan budget proposal, also called "Path to Prosperity." Yet this time around, it is getting more attention, more outrage, more incredulity.

President Obama: They deserve a vote

I have never witnessed a State of the Union address like the one President Barack Obama gave Tuesday night. I want to thank him for it. Some commentators claimed it was, in effect, two speeches: the first, long on policy recommendations, leading into the second, a finale that rose to an emotional height over gun violence in the United States. I disagree. I thought it was one speech with real genuine challenges to Congress throughout, ending with the ultimate challenge: actually doing something about the outrageous gun violence in the United States.

The church needs to decide if it is all in or all out politically

It's hard to believe it has been almost three years since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed. Health care reform was long overdue in the U.S. Unfortunately, politics -- and polarization -- stood in the way far too long. But the polarization is still there, as we all know. And one party has placed itself smack dab in the middle, and I would like to call it out: the Catholic church. Back to this after some background.

We are many parts, but all one body

I wanted to write a brief, more personal blog today. I'm truly honored to write for NCR. I enjoy reading comments from readers, even those who vehemently disagree with me, because that's what it's all about: finding out what other people think, talking, sharing ideas, etc. I learn a lot.