Olga Segura is NCR opinion editor and the author of Birth of A Movement: Black Lives Matter and the Catholic Church (Orbis, 2021).

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NCR Culture: The 2022 Academy Awards

Watch: NCR Opinion & Culture Editor Olga Segura moderates a conversation about the 2022 Oscars with Jose Solís and Sr. Rose Pacatte.


Theologians affirm 'Black Theology Matters' at symposium

Analysis: Theologians and clergy gathered for the 2021 Black Catholic Theological Symposium at the University of Notre Dame Oct. 7-9; speakers affirmed the activism of Black Lives Matter and called for an embrace of an "authentically Black and radical" Catholic tradition.


On Kanye West, contemplative prayer and loving complicated men

Kanye West's music kept me focused during what felt like the darkest moments of my life. But it's hard to make sense of my affection for his work and what it means to hold male Black and brown creators accountable when they become reactionaries or fail to unlearn toxic conditioning.

What got us through 2020: NCR staff shares favorite pop culture

The past year all of us have watched, and re-watched, countless shows or movies, listened and re-listened to new and old artists. Yet each of us has that one piece of pop culture that became a kind of pandemic safety blanket.