
Why not to worry

Soul Seeing: The day after the diagnosis and for almost every day until her death, I got out of bed 15 minutes early and, in the quietest place I could find, prayed for God to cure my mother.


How do you get Mother Teresa to stop praying?

Soul Seeing: At Mother Teresa's private chapel in the summer of 1995, Mother, Princess Diana and I had been praying for about five minutes. But as Diana's private secretary, I was responsible for the punctuality of her program.

What chance has idealism in this endlessly divided world?

Soul Seeing: Amid a crowd protesting the Brexit referendum result, I wonder who can judge right and wrong in this binary world of "in" or "out."

A message on mortality from an American in Paris

Soul Seeing: I was in Paris the night of Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, and the corner of my brain that has time to think about eternity is asking why.