Ra'fat Al-Dajani is a Palestinian-American writer and commentator.

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Qatar outmaneuvers quartet of nations arrayed against it

More than a year since a blockade was imposed, Qatar has not only managed to resist the attack on its national sovereignty, but has emerged from the crisis better-positioned.


Trump in the Middle East: A Year Two scorecard

A review of how President Trump has fared in the Mideast is mixed at best as even the relative successes are short-term and are attached to a long-term cost to American interests.


Trump may yet prove to be Israel's poison chalice

NCR Today: U.S. President Donald Trump has demonstrated a close affinity to both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but Israel should remember that it is dealing with an American president who feels no loyalty to anyone but himself.


Hollywood, social media are transforming the Palestinian issue

With the maturing of millennials into adulthood and the proliferation of social media, entertainers' support for the cause of Palestinian justice has found a wider, receptive audience.
