Taking a new approach to the Bible this Lent

Lent is not my favorite time of the liturgical year. I've always been more of an Advent person and never understood some of my fellow Catholics' actual joy during the 40 days preceding Easter. Call me a Lent weakling.

A dollar can make a difference

As Pope Francis reminds us to favor the poor and those in need, a simple bus fare and kind words of encouragement could help an addict get clean. 

Pope Francis demonstrates how to give witness to the disabled

All human beings have a profound need to have a witness to their lives. We want someone to notice us, to say we matter, to hear our cries of pain and shouts of joy. We want, in our deepest core, to be known. I would argue that even introverts and recluses have this need and might even suffer more acutely than others because of its lack.

Clergy's power should be inspired by Pope Francis

It is no secret that I think Pope Francis is challenging clergy to step up their game. It's also no secret I have pretty high expectations of anyone who gets the honor of wearing a Roman collar. Just ask any of the priests I know. Which is why, when I hear what I did Tuesday night about a priest being super awesome, I want to do the happy dance.