Belleville bishop talks of Catholic church's 'racial divide'

Bishop Edward Braxton, one of the few African American bishops in the Roman Catholic Church, rarely talks to the press. "My thinking is more nuanced than something you put on the 5 o'clock news," said Braxton. "I write as I speak. I have a moving viewpoint from many experiences."

Missouri Synod Lutherans debate use of deacons in ministry

In the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, discord continues within the ranks of his devout followers over the role of Lutheran clergy and the laity.

St. Louis archbishop urges cutting ties with Girl Scouts

St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson has issued a letter calling on parishes to seek alternatives to Girl Scouts, arguing that the program and related organizations conflict with Roman Catholic teaching.

St. Louis archdiocese cancels speech by visionary who saw the Virigin Mary at Medjugrorje

To Roman Catholic officialdom, it's unclear whether the Virgin Mary appeared to Ivan Dragicevic and five others 34 years ago in a Bosnian village.

What is clear is that Dragicevic won't be appearing Wednesday to speak in St. Charles, as some had hoped.

Earlier this month, Archbishop Robert Carlson addressed a memo to priests and deacons in the archdiocese:
