Khans blame Donald Trump for growing intolerance toward Muslims

Khizr and Ghazala Khan spoke out because the welcome they felt when they immigrated to the United States nearly four decades ago is being eroded by this year's presidential campaign.

Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at Texas ranch

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, 79, the outspoken leader of the Supreme Court’s conservative bloc, was found dead at a Texas ranch Saturday morning.

Poll: Americans say there's no turning back on gay marriage

The Supreme Court will hear arguments next week in a landmark case on gay marriage, but most Americans already have made up their minds: There's no turning back.

In a nationwide USA Today/Suffolk University Poll, those surveyed say by 51 percent-35 percent that it's no longer practical for the Supreme Court to ban same-sex marriages because so many states have legalized them.

One reason for a transformation in public views on the issue: Close to half say they have a gay or lesbian family member or close friend who is married to someone of the same sex.

Polls show views on gays and lesbians shifting fast

In the wake of historic victories for gay rights supporters in last month's elections, a pair of USA Today/Gallup Polls find growing acceptance among Americans toward gay men and lesbians -- and soaring optimism among gay Americans that issues involving homosexuality will one day no longer divide the nation.