Susan Rose Francois is the assistant congregation leader for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. She is the author of My Friend Joe: Reflections on St. Joseph. Read more of her work on her blog, At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph.

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To build a nonviolent future, act now

Horizons - We live in the midst of violence. Gun violence. Domestic violence. Violent language. Violence in media. Violence to Earth, our common home. Our senses are overrun with so much violence that we take it for granted.


Prayer as both gift and task

Young Voices: Prayer is getting a bit of a bum rap these days, at least when it is tagged on to the end of the platitude most often employed in the face of tragedy — "thoughts and prayers."

Nuns on the Bus 2016: Choosing positive change

GSR Preview: The negative impacts of America's policy choices on people who are struggling are clear in every state where the Nuns on the Bus have visited so far​.