At Ohio racism listening session, participants express sorrow and hope

Participants at a diocesan listening session on racism in Columbus spoke about hurtful experiences both inside and outside the church, but also expressed optimism about efforts to recognize the problem and respond to it.


Turkson in Ohio: If people love God, they must care for what he has made

The lead consultant on "Laudato Si'," Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment, said that although it's a document of nearly 40,000 words, its message can be summed up in one sentence.

"We cannot love God when we do not appreciate or care for what God has made," Cardinal Peter Turkson said Saturday in an interview with the Catholic Times, newspaper of the Columbus diocese. "This is what the pope wants people to understand.

Knight leader: 'Obama more forthright on religion than McCain'

The leader of the Knights of Columbus said one reason why Barack Obama won the presidential election may be that he was more forthright than John McCain concerning his religious beliefs.

"Sen. Obama gives every impression of being serious about his religion, that religion is important to him, that Christianity changed his life," Carl Anderson said Nov. 6 at a news conference preceding a speech in Columbus.

"Perhaps he made a stronger case for that than John Kerry or Al Gore (the losing candidates in the preceding two presidential elections) did. I don't believe Sen. McCain made quite the same case as President (George W.) Bush did in his two elections and President (Ronald) Reagan did earlier," said Anderson, supreme knight of the 1.75-million-member international organization of Catholic men.