Pope accepts resignation of Peoria, Ill., bishop

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of Peoria and Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka of Peoria immediately succeeds him, becoming the ninth bishop of Peoria.

Jenky: Real Presence not 'opinion,' but 'foundational' to Catholic faith

Acknowledging evidence that "for several generations" the Catholic Church has not sufficiently taught its core truths, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky has called for all ministries of the Diocese of Peoria to be "intentionally centered" on the Real Presence in the holy Eucharist.

New York state court rules Sheen remains should be transferred to Peoria

Archbishop Sheen: The move will aid in the canonization process, in which the Peoria diocese has been promoting for more than 14 years.

Drought, heat making Midwest corn farmers pray for rain

SEYMOUR, Ill. -- The desperation of drought-stricken farmers in the Midwest was evidenced by what topped Mary Margaret O'Connor's "day's best memory" list as the July 8 celebration of her parish church's centennial came to a close.

"It looks like we're going to get rain," said O'Connor, eyeing dark clouds approaching the grounds of St. Boniface Church, where a tent had been erected for a parish luncheon.