Maryland parish helps Puerto Ricans still rebuilding from hurricane

The Field Hospital: Eighteen volunteers from St. Francis Builds, a program based in St. Camillus Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Maryland, recently demonstrated its continued commitment in Latin America.

Puerto Ricans see link between poverty, hurricane deaths

Hurricane-related deaths in Puerto Rico have been attributed to drowning and illness, but many Puerto Ricans, including local media professionals, see a link between such deaths and poverty.

Amid hurricane's devastation, Puerto Ricans' spirit seen shining through

Above all material and financial considerations after Hurricane Maria's severe damage in Puerto Rico, one must highlight the brotherly spirit shown by the island's people during the ongoing recovery period, said the island's top Catholic pastor.

Catholic organizations, groups actively working on Puerto Rico's recovery

A month after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, Catholic organizations, groups and individuals were still among the most prominent responders to the needs of a suffering people.