Calling on Sophia

Radiant and Unfading Wisdom,
your deep love calls to me.
I seek you with all my heart.
Hasten to make yourself known.

Sit at the gate of my heart.
Teach me your ways.
Meet me in my every thought.
Attune my mind to your perceptions.
Open all that is closed within me.
I desire your instruction.
I long to receive and to share your love.

Dance on the path of my life.
Free me from all that hinders.
Deepen all that attracts me to you.
As the mystery of my life unfolds
through the quickly passing years,
draw my love ever nearer to you.

I promise to be awake and vigilant,
attentive to your voice,
I will hide no secrets from you.
Come reveal yourself to me.

Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her."
                 -- Wisdom 6:12
Reflection questions

When do you find yourself calling upon Sophia?

For what do you most long and seek when you call upon her?

Call upon Sophia today from the depths of your heart in word or dance, song or art.

[This reflection comes from Sr. Joyce Rupp's book Prayers to Sophia: Deepening our Relationship with Holy Wisdom.]

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Want to know more about Sister Joyce Rupp? Visit her website.

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