Links for 02/20/1


From Newsday, a report on Cardinal Peter Turkson's talk at Molloy College, and the panel discussion that followed. I especially like Meghan Clark's rebuttal to Rusty Reno: "I just can’t get to a point where as a Catholic I’m comfortable saying that it’s OK for humanity to cause mass extinction and loss of biodiversity among creation and say that we’re living in right relationship with God." For video of the event, click here

Hysteria at Catholic News Agency where the headline asks "Did a Massachusetts court ruling essentially ban Catholic schools?" No, the court said that being a food services director at a school is not a ministerial position and the school was wrong to fire a gay man who held that job. I insist on the right of the Church to exercise total control over the employment of ministers, broadly interpreted, but I do not see the need to fire anyone on staff who is in a same sex marriage. 

At the American Interest, a list of habits for people who want to overcome polarization. Item #1 is "Criticize from within" by which the author means that you start from a point of commonality. I also think it means a willingness to at least challenge those who often agree with oneself. The list as a whole is interesting, and in these highly polarized times, we all have an obligation to do what we can, but I think bloggers get some kind of a pass to be at least a little snarky at times, lest our posts get dull. 

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