Easter moments

“Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy” (John 16:20)

Remember the times you thought you couldn’t endure the pain or the loss any longer? It seemed too much to bear. Maybe you are in a situation like that now.

At such time it’s difficult to believe that grief and suffering will be turned into joy. Others can assure us that the pain will pass with time, but usually everything in us doubts this. That’s why we need to celebrate Easter continually. We need to recall and welcome the Easter story much more than just once a year. We celebrate Easter every time we look closely at the little surprises of joy in our lives. Each time we announce these joys to ourselves or to others, we are like the angels at the empty tomb announcing resurrection.

I know a woman who is never without the pain of four metal rods pressing into her back. Yet she has found joy beyond her daily pain. She relishes happiness in her relationship with her spouse, delights in her grandchildren, enjoys the beauty of the passing seasons. She is an Easter person who daily chooses to believe that she does not have to stay in the tomb of pain and discouragement.

Risen Christ, lead me to my own Easter moments. Clear my mind and open my heart so I can see the surprising little joys that are waiting to greet me today.

From Inviting God In: Scriptural Reflections and Prayers Throughout the Year by Joyce Rupp


Prayer action suggestion:
Broaden your celebration of Easter to include the poor, the stranger, the foreigner. Contribute funds, time or your talent to organizations that support those in need.


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