Pope’s quotes: The corrupt

A quote from Pope Francis:

“It was a very great task to drive idolatry from the hearts of his people, to make them docile to His Word. But they followed this route for a little while, before turning back. From being sinners, they went on to become corrupt. It is very hard for a corrupt person to turn back. The sinner, yes, because the Lord is merciful and awaits us all. But the corrupt are fixed on their affairs, and these people were corrupt. They therefore sought to justify themselves, because Jesus, with his simplicity, but with his strength in God, made trouble for them. And step by step, they ended up convincing themselves that they had to kill Jesus, and one of them said, ‘It is better for a man to die for the people.’”

-- Homily in St. Peter’s Basilica, March 27, 2014

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