Pope's quotes: 'The devil enters via the wallet'

A quote from Pope Francis:

“Why do many powerful people not want peace? Because they live from war, from the arms industry. Some powerful people earn from the production of arms, and sell weapons to one country that fights against another, and then they sell them to the other. It is the industry of death! And they earn money in this way. As you know, greed causes so much damage: the desire to have more and more money. When we see that everything revolves around money – the economic system revolves around money and not people – we make sacrifices and make war in order to defend money. And for this reason many people do not want peace. They earn more through war. They earn money, but we lose lives, we lose culture, we lose education, we lose many things. An elderly priest I met years ago used to say, 'the devil enters via the wallet.' ”

-- Audience with children of the Peace Factory, May 12, 2015

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