Pope’s quotes: Path of resistance

A quote from Pope Francis:

“Some of you will ask me, 'But Father, what can we do? How can we resist?' I will tell you two or three things that may perhaps be useful for you, to resist.

First of all, prayer. Prayer is powerful. Prayer conquers evil. Prayer draws us closer to God, who is Almighty. … Secondly, work for peace. And peace is not a document that is signed and stays there. Peace is made every day! Peace is a craft, it is made by hand, with one's own life. But some may say, 'Tell me, Father, how can I be an artisan of peace?'. First: never hate. If someone harms you, try to forgive. No hatred! Forgiveness! Let us say this together: No hatred! Forgiveness! If you do not have hatred in your heart, if you forgive, you will be victorious, because you will be victorious in the most difficult battles of life: victorious in love. And through love comes peace.”

-- Audience with youth, Cathedral of Bangui, Central African Republic, Nov. 30, 2015

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