Pope’s quotes: Prosperity

A quote from Pope Francis:

“It is so easy for us to become accustomed to the atmosphere of inequality all around us, with the result that we take it for granted. Without even being conscious of it, we confuse the 'common good' with 'prosperity,' especially when we are the ones who enjoy that prosperity. Prosperity understood only in terms of material wealth has a tendency to become selfish, to defend private interests, to be unconcerned about others, and to give free rein to consumerism.

Understood in this way, prosperity, instead of helping, breeds conflict and social disintegration; as it becomes more prevalent, it opens the door to the evil of corruption, which brings so much discouragement and damage in its wake. The common good, on the other hand, is much more than the sum of individual interests. It moves from 'what is best for me' to 'what is best for everyone.' It embraces everything which brings a people together: common purpose, shared values, ideas which help us to look beyond our limited individual horizons.”

-- Address at Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace, La Paz, Bolivia, July 9, 2015

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