Pope’s quotes: Remove the tombstone

A quote from Pope Francis:

“Today I invite you to think for a moment in silence: where is my inner necrosis? Where is the part of my soul that is dead? Where is my tomb? Let us think, just a moment, all of us, in silence. Let us think: what is the part of my heart that can be corrupted, because it is attached to some sin or sins? Remove the tombstone, remove the tombstone of shame and let the Lord say to us, as he said to Lazarus, ‘Come forth!’ so that all of our soul might be healed, may be resurrected through the love and strength of Jesus. He is able to forgive us.

We all need this, all of us. We are all sinners, but we must be careful not to become corrupt! We are sinners, but He forgives us. Let us listen to Jesus’ voice that, with the power of God, says to us, ‘Come forth! Come out of the tomb you have inside. Come forth. I will give you life, I will make you happy, I bless you, I want you with me.’”

-- Visit to the Roman parish of St. Gregory the Great, April 6, 2014

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