Pope’s quotes: The vineyard

A quote from Pope Francis:

“We are all sinners and can also be tempted to ‘take over’ the vineyard, because of that greed which is always present in us human beings. God’s dream always clashes with the hypocrisy of some of his servants. We can ‘thwart’ God’s dream if we fail to let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us that wisdom which surpasses knowledge, and enables us to work generously with authentic freedom and humble creativity. To do a good job of nurturing and tending the vineyard, our hearts and minds must be kept in Jesus Christ by ‘the peace of God which passes all understanding.’ In this way our thoughts and plans will correspond to God’s dream: to form a holy people who are his own and produce the fruits of the kingdom of God.”

— Holy Mass to inaugurate Synod of Bishops on the family, Oct. 5, 2014

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