5 minutes with Francis: Placing people first

This article appears in the 5 minutes with Francis feature series. View the full series.

NCR's new blog series "5 minutes with Francis" poses the question: If you managed to meet up with Pope Francis during his U.S. visit -- and you had his full, undivided attention for five minutes -- what would you say to him?

Kristen Blount:

If I had the chance to spend five minutes with Pope Francis, I would want to thank him for his emphasis on placing people first. I feel like the Holy Spirit is at work through Pope Francis reminding us all that the story of salvation is the story of people. There's been such an emphasis on rule-following and political shibboleths in recent years, while at the same time the hierarchy of the church placed the reputation of the church above the well-being of children.

Pope Francis has reminded us that people come first. God knows us, every single human being, by name, and has a plan for us. Jesus came for each one of us. We are all children of God. Pope Francis reminds us repeatedly that we are all sinners in need of mercy and compassion. Divorced people, married people, straight people, gay people, poor people, rich people: we are all God's children. We are all in need of a Year of Mercy.

Thank you, Pope Francis, for reminding us to love one another and to forgive one another.

What would you say during five minutes with Pope Francis? Pick one subject, and send us a brief note (300-400 words max) about the subject, and what you would say. Send your answer to francis5minutes@gmail.com.

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