Francis baptizes ferryboat victim father

Pope Francis Sunday baptized a father who lost his son in Sewol ferryboat tragedy. The ceremony took place in the chapel of the apostolic nuncio in Korea, according to Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesperson.

 “As you know, a father who lost his son in Sewol ferry asked the pope to baptize him. Actually, we were embarrassed because it was not originally scheduled; however, the pope gave him a positive answer,” Lombardi said.

“Besides, a bishop and a father who knew him informed us that he had been preparing for his baptism for the past two years, and so we were able to prepare for the baptismal ceremony.”

 Lee Ho-jin. 56 lost his youngest of three children.  His other children attended the baptism ceremony, which was done in Korean, Lombardi said.

Lee Ho-jin took “Francis” as his baptismal name.

Lombardi said Francis was “very pleased” to baptize Lee.

More than 300 Koreans died in the April 16th ferryboat sinking. Most of them were teens traveling to a local island as part of a high school sponsored weekend. 

More than 400 relatives of those who lost their lives have been calling for an official independent government investigation. 

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