The Media and Honduras

The other night on TV, I watched coverage of popular demonstrations in Tehran, demonstrations that were met with official repression, even though the people were attempting to observe a religious day of mourning for those killed 40 days ago. Coverage was very sympathetic to the Iranian people in the streets, people who demand to know what happened in their recent “election.”

But where was the coverage of the demonstrations in Honduras in response to a coup d’etat that also devastated democracy? According to the Quixote Center, where staff members have firsthand information from those on the ground:

“Yesterday marked one of the worst days of repression since the June 28 military coup. In Tegucigalpa, the Honduran Military and Police Special Forces stepped up repression in response to a national strike, brutally attacking thousands of peaceful protestors with fire arms, live and rubber bullets, tear gas and helicopters. Armed forces then pursued the crowd for five kilometers as they tried to flee. Today is the second day of the national strike and human rights organizations fear escalating repression.”

The Quixote Center has organized an emergency delegation to go to Honduras to accompany the people who are in the streets demanding justice.

Those of us who know Central American reality know that wealthy economic interests have orchestrated the coup. But are they orchestrating the American media too?

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