Political change requires a new 'moral center'

Jim Wallis of Sojourners is right on target again in a blog series he has written, titled "It Takes a Movement: The Next Steps."

In the last installment of the six-part series, Wallis challenges people of faith to create a “moral center” of power that can help steer our country forward.

This at a time when our leaders -- Democrats, Republicans and President Obama himself -- seem unable or unwilling to rise to meet the crises our country faces.

Wallis courageously takes on controversial issues and shows where religious folk on the left and right can find common ground for acting: People of faith want to reduce the numbers of abortions in American, he writes, “not with symbolic amendments or criminalizing desperate and tragic choices—but by preventing unwanted pregnancies and supporting low-income women.”

We must promote healthy families, Wallis says, not by scapegoating gays and bullying gay teens, but by “creating policies that build a culture of support for families.”

Wallis takes on other issues as well and points to the hopeful movement on the part of younger people of faith who are insisting on the urgency of “creation care” as we battle climate change. Right on, Jim!

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