Pope's quotes: The best of yourself

A quote from Pope Francis:

“The apostle Paul uses the example of the athlete to illustrate an important characteristic of human existence. ‘Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it'. ... But St. Paul refers to the challenge of giving an ultimate meaning to life itself. I would therefore exhort each one of you to play the game not only in sport – as you already do, and with excellent results – but also in life, in the search for goodness, true goodness, without fear, with courage and enthusiasm. Play the game with others and with God, giving the best of yourself, spending your life for what is truly valuable and which stands the test of time. Put your talents to the service of the encounter between people, friendship, and inclusion.”

-- Audience with Italian Tennis Federation, May 8, 2015

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